Energy markets are abuzz with a word you might've heard recently: Bioheat® fuel. It sounds like something new – but the fact is, this reliable, affordable, and renewable fuel has been helping home and business owners meet their heating needs for years now. It doesn't matter what state, county, city or town you live in; all oil heat is Bioheat® fuel.
Bioheat® fuel is defined as a blend of renewable biodiesel and heating oil. All Oilheated homes in Connecticut receive a Bioheat® fuel blend, per Connecticut statutes. This blend is measurably safer and better for the environment than conventional heating oil because biodiesel comes from natural, recycled resources like soybean oil or used restaurant grease. That means the fuel inside your oil storage tank right now is some of the cleanest, greenest heating fuel in the whole country!
Green is great, but what exactly does this mean for you and your neighbors? It all goes back to Bioheat® Fuel’s three core benefits: reliability, affordability and renewability.
Let's take a closer look at the ways Bioheat® fuel benefits you...
If you'd like to bring home the affordability, reliability and renewability of Bioheat® Fuel, contact a licensed fuel dealer near you. And if you want to find out how you can make your home warmer, more energy efficient, and safer for the winter, click here to learn about upgrading your home heating system.